I’m going back to black, 2012 (Art-pie, artfair)

I’m going back to black, 2012, photo print


Starting point of  several action/performances I did during the Art-pie art festival, 2012.

The night I see as a symbol for things that should not happen or things that are structureless. In the Zuis-as where there is an 24 hour economy and where everything should be structured, I wonder where the chaos is. Through small actions during the night, I investigated  the limits

Afbeelding 2Afbeelding 3

The blackparty, 2012, performance action

An action in wich I wanted to emphasize, the emptiness of the evening/night of the Zuid-as (Amsterdam). I wanted to show that there isn’t any 24 hour economy in that part of the city, but that it is suggested by the 24 hour advertising. The advertising borders seemed to me , perfect dicso lights. I invided everyone from the artfair “Art-pie, for a drink/partyblackparty